NIX Solutions: New YouTube Metric “First 24 hours”

YouTube has made available a new metric, First 24 Hours, which allows authors to analyze videos in the first days after publication.

Except for the view counter, other video data for the first 24 hours was not previously displayed.

To get this information, select “First 24 Hours” at the top of the Creative Studio page, after which detailed information about the video will be displayed.

The data summary shows the total number of views compared to previous videos and the total time. The report also contains data on how many subscribers you gained and lost during this time, and how much income you received if the video is monetized.

Comparing multiple videos

YouTube allows you to compare the metrics of multiple videos, reports NIX Solutions.

Traffic sources are broken down into categories:

  • Recommendations: Views received after clicks on featured videos.
  • Notifications: Views of subscribers who received notifications.
  • Channel Pages: Views of those who visit your channel and click the videos they like.
  • External: External traffic, such as from social media.

The Notifications metric is especially worth noting: if the indicators drop noticeably over time, your content is no longer so interesting to users.

Changes to the Recommendations metric can indicate how YouTube’s recommendation algorithm is responding to your videos.

Daily statistics will not be displayed for videos posted before 2019, as well as for streams, as separate analytics are used for them.

Earlier, YouTube introduced a new hashtag search.