The Telegram messenger service has encountered another major global disruption, affecting users across Europe, the USA, and beyond. While messaging functions remain operational, users are reporting difficulties with downloading and viewing media files.
Media Download Issues Reported
Users have voiced complaints regarding sluggish loading times for images and videos, with some failing to load altogether, displaying continuous loading indicators. Reports indicate a significant surge in complaints starting at 20:30, with the number of grievances steadily increasing.
Extent of Disruption
According to Brand Analytics, as of 21:06, reports of Telegram failures have reached 70, averaging four complaints each. Similarly, outage tracking services like allestö from Ookla have seen a spike in problem reports, with the count reaching 139.
Cause of Issues Unknown
At present, there is no information available regarding the underlying causes of the content loading problems on Telegram, notes NIXsolutions.
We’ll keep you updated on any developments.
Previous Incidents
This disruption follows a significant outage on March 4, preceded by another large-scale incident on February 27.
We’ll continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as they become available. Stay informed with our latest news.