The main news of the world of IT and neural networks this weekend.
Competitors are not in vain worried, says Pavel Durov
Telegram founder Pavel Durov said that his messenger is now the second most popular messaging app in the world. Over the past five years, Telegram has surpassed Facebook Messenger and is now second only to WhatsApp, closing the gap every year. According to statistics, the share of Telegram today is 31%, while WhatsApp has 44%.
Metaverses are no longer in vogue
Microsoft redirects its funds and efforts to the creation and development of chatbots, abandoning projects to develop the metaverse. It is possible that ChatGPT and other neural networks will change the plans of many tech giants this year.
In the meantime, another media outlet is planning to use ChatGPT’s features to write articles about weather and traffic. To do this, Reach, a large publishing house, is setting up a working group to study how this tool can be used to help journalists compose stories.
Twitter Removes Two-Factor Authentication for Non-Subscribed Users
Starting March 20, SMS verification will be disabled for those who do not have a paid Blue subscription. Twitter believes that this is an unreliable method of protection, as attackers can replace SIM cards. And they suggest using an electronic key or specialized applications for authentication, such as 1Password or Google Authenticator.
The head of Meta announced paid verification
Mark Zuckerberg once again announced the launch of the Meta Verified service, a paid verification for Facebook and Instagram social network users, which will allow you to get a blue checkmark next to your username, as well as access to other services. It is expected that this will provide additional protection against hacking and direct access to customer support. NIX Solutions notes that the subscription is currently being tested in Australia and New Zealand.