Telegram made it possible to enable video broadcasting from a camera or an image from the screen in the voice chat of any group. This will allow you to use voice chats for online lessons, business meetings, or family gatherings, states NIXsolutions.
The new version of the messenger also adds animated backgrounds, animations when sending messages and much more, says Postium.
Group video calls in Telegram
To start a conference in Telegram, select “Voice Chat” from the menu ⋮ in the profile of any group in which you are an administrator. For iOS users, the Voice Chat button is available directly from the group profile.
As before, in voice mode without video, you can talk with an unlimited number of interlocutors. Video conferencing is currently available to the first 30 participants to join the chat. This limit will soon be increased so that Telegram users can broadcast lectures, game streams, festivals, etc.
At the same time, you can broadcast not only the video from the rear or front camera of the device, but also the image from the screen or use both in parallel.
To enable screen broadcast, tap the three dots to bring up the voice chat settings menu, and then select the appropriate option.
The group calling interface is optimized for large screens of laptops and computers, as well as tablets, both horizontally and vertically. The button in the upper right corner expands the sidebar, allowing you to view video feeds and the list of participants on the same screen.
On a computer, voice chat opens in a separate window, so that it is convenient to correspond in chats without losing sight of the video conference. When broadcasting the screen through Telegram applications for computers, you can show the image of the entire desktop as a whole, or only from the selected program.
If you are watching a video conference from a computer, every time someone from the participants starts broadcasting the screen, this video stream will be automatically pinned, which is convenient for workshops and presentations.