NIX Solutions: Why to Adapt Site for Voice Search

In a 2018 PwC study, 71% of those surveyed said they would prefer a voice search to a manual query on the web. Google predicts that in the near future, more than half of all queries will be made by voice. This cannot but affect the features of SEO optimization, as now sites are being adapted for speech requests. Here’s how you can lose a ton of money if you ignore this trend.

Why shousld you optimize

The logical question is, why add more man-hours to the optimizer if it is already overloaded with work. There are two good reasons for this.

Be ahead of the competition

In 30% of cases, a smartphone provides a voice response to a query instead of the usual search results, states VC. If we are talking about a smart speaker, then it has this figure of 100%, because there is no display. It means that instead of the traditional top 5 and top 3 search results, the competition is just for one position. And you can take it if you are optimizing your site for voice search. Since these measures are not yet that popular, it is possible to stay ahead of most competitors.

Improve local search

The Higher Visibility report found that 52.8% of American respondents use voice search while driving. Usually they are looking for a local business: addresses of laundries, hotels, find out where they can eat deliciously. This is also confirmed by statistics: 46% of respondents do this, according to BrightLocal. A site optimized for voice search will more often bring you visitors who are in your immediate vicinity.

The relevance of voice search optimization

The market for smart speakers is growing, and with smartphones everything is already clear: modern life is impossible without them. All of these devices have voice search. The more affordable the technology is, the more often it will be used. As you can see from the statistics, more than half of users are ready to search by voice.

Is this not a direct indication of the need for optimization? Both yes and no. This theory has skeptics who point out that most voice requests are informational rather than commercial. But there is an area for which adaptation is needed.

It turned out that the five businesses that are looking for information by voice most often include: restaurants and cafes, grocery stores, delivery, clothing stores and hotels. Users find out contact information, call, specify opening hours, book a visit, and even place take-away orders.

This does not mean that representatives of other business areas can relax and not pay attention to the optimization for voice search, notes NIX Solutions. Users can receive useful information on your website or place online orders. For example, if you work in a complex area that often needs clarification, or run an online store.


Companies with sites that are not optimized for voice search are letting in customers who literally go into their hands. Customers might be passing by because Google hasn’t recommended you. If you look at the statistics, the profit losses can potentially be quite large. In the future, the search will increasingly be voice-based, so it is better to start preparing now.