NIX Solutions: Google Closed 8th Zero-Day Vulnerability in Chrome in 2023

Google recently issued an urgent update to tackle the CVE-2023-7024 vulnerability discovered in its Chrome browser. This marks the eighth zero-day vulnerability identified this year, actively exploited by attackers.

Vulnerability Details

CVE-2023-7024 triggers a buffer overflow error within Chrome’s WebRTC module, enabling remote code execution. WebRTC, essential for real-time communication, is widely supported among major browsers. Exploiting this flaw allows code execution outside the JavaScript sandbox during the rendering process.

NIX Solutions

Exploitation and Impact

While CVE-2023-7024 may initiate remote code execution, its scope is limited. The multi-process architecture of Chrome hampers access to files or malware deployment. Even though an attacker’s hold diminishes upon tab closure, it’s not enough to breach beyond the browser’s sandbox.

Site Isolation and Further Risks

Site Isolation in Chrome prevents access to sensitive data like banking information, but cross-site attacks within the same second-level domain’s subdomains remain a possibility. Exploiting this vulnerability demands no user interaction beyond visiting a malicious webpage.

Extended Implications and Beyond Chrome

Due to Chromium’s popularity and shared code base, this vulnerability impacts other browsers on the platform. As it’s being actively exploited, systems of users delaying updates might already be compromised, allowing prolonged attacks, notes NIX Solutions.

The urgency to update Chrome remains crucial to mitigate the exploitation of CVE-2023-7024, highlighting the potential risks that persist across browsers due to their shared infrastructure and exploitation opportunities.