NIXSolutions: LinkedIn Announces Global Launch of Freelance Platform

LinkedIn introduced the Service Marketplace, a new platform where freelancers can offer their services, and companies can find specialists to perform various tasks. The new platform is designed to compete with services such as Fiverr and Upwork.


The service platform has already appeared in the list of “Other LinkedIn Products”. Those users who want to provide their services are encouraged to create a corresponding page, says SearchEngines.

The Service Marketplace was beta launched in February 2021 in the United States. Currently, the number of platform users exceeds 2 million. The new service does not charge any commissions yet, but this may change over time. There are currently 250 job categories available on the site. In the future, their number is planned to be expanded to 500, notes NIXSolutions.

Other Innovations

In addition to launching a freelance platform, LinkedIn has also added a number of new search filters to the social network interface for job search (office work, hybrid work format, remote work).

Users can also add their preferred working hours to their profile for employers and recruiters to see this information.

In addition, users can now check the vaccination requirements of companies when reviewing vacancies (if the employer has provided this information).