Recently, it has been reported that a Premium subscription may appear in Telegram. This version will allow you to use the messenger without ads, as well as give access to additional functions.
Among the called functions are increased limits in the application, decoding audio messages into text, uploading files up to 4 GB in size, and more. According to preliminary data, the subscription will cost $4.99/month, says Postium.
What else can appear in a paid subscription to Telegram?
- Increased limits: from now on, you can add up to 200 channels to a folder, pin 10 channels in the main tab.
- Upload files up to 4 GB instead of 2 GB.
- Paid subscribers will get priority when downloading files, downloads will be faster.
- Automatic decoding of voice messages.
- Official advertising will be disabled.
- More options for reactions to messages, access to premium stickers with “unique effects”.
- Ability to put a video avatar.
- Additional icons for the application.
NIX Solutions reminds that Pavel Durov announced Telegram Premium in November 2021. Then he said that he plans to launch a function in the messenger to disable advertising in subscription channels.